Monday 26 February 2018

Horrible Hot Sauce

I am learning to inform my audience by sharing an entertaining moment
Have you ever tasted hot sauce? I mean by it’s self with no food with it like curry or beef. I have and it's the most disgusting food ever. I have no idea why people have it because if you have tasted it’s too hot. It ruined my taste buds but you need to hear the story about the first time I had hot sauce.

Me and My brother, Xavier were sitting at the dining room table after dinner and in front of us was Dad’s hot sauce. All we were thinking at that moment was that looks yum. Then I asked this question, “Can we try hot sauce please?” I thought that he would scream and it would be hilarious so I agreed to try hot sauce as well.

Dad said, “Okay, but it’s hot, maybe I will film it and put it on Facebook.” “ What will Mum think?” Xavier asked. Dad then trotted to their bedroom with me, Xavier following behind. Dad opened the door gracefully and saw Mum on the computer with her camera beside her. Mum said okay, so all of us went back to the kitchen including my sister Rosalie. Dad got the hot sauce and said 5,4,3,2,1…

“Hi there,” Dad announced, “My name is Alex and we have 2 contestants wanting to try hot sauce! Our first contestant is Xavier, come on out Xavier. I put some on your plate and you can dip your finger in and try it. So Xavier put his finger in the hot sauce and just when I thought he was going to scream he said the one word I didn’t want him to say... “Yum.”

What? Why? How? Now I was nervous. It was my turn now and I did exactly what Xavier did except I said…” AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!” I went running around the house screaming my head off because of that horrible hot sauce. It was as hot as the sun!

I don’t know what it will be like if I tried hot sauce again but don’t ask because all I will say is I am never eating hot sauce again, that horrible hot, hot, hot sauce ever again and I mean it! So stop asking!

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